If you are a talented entrepreneur looking to grow a high impact startup in KYOTO, this is your chance to get a Startup Visa in Kyoto.
We’ll guide you through the systems here.

To Kyoto, The Capital of Startup
Kyoto has a strong image as a tourist city, but actually it is one of Japan’s leading manufacturing cities, with the long history of traditional industries that have been inherited over the years, there are located many leading industries and Global Niche Top companies. Starting with Kyoto University, which has many Nobel Prize winner professors. There are the most advanced academic research institutes such as AI, IoT, and life sciences concentrated in Kyoto, it has an environment which constantly produces innovative companies. The global accelerator PLUG AND PLAY established a base in Kyoto, and the construction of a high-level ecosystem is progressing. Of course, we provide a living environment wrapped in the essence of Japanese culture.
観光都市としてのイメージが強い「京都」ですが、実は、日本有数のものづくり都市であり、長い歴史の中で脈々と継承されてきた伝統産業に加え、先端産業、グローバル・ニッチ・トップ企業が多数立地しています。また、多くのノーベル賞受賞者を輩出する京都大学をはじめ、AI、IoT、ライフサイエンス等、最先端の学術研究機関が集積する京都には、常にイノベーティブな企業を輩出し続ける環境があります。世界的なアクセラレーターであるPLUG AND PLAYが京都に拠点を開設するなど、ハイレベルなエコシステムの構築も進んでおり、スタートアップの都「京都」は、皆様に最適な起業環境はもちろん、日本文化の粋に包まれた生活環境を提供します。

How to apply forStartup Visa in Kyoto
Under this system, foreign nationals who wish to start a business in Kyoto Prefecture can stay in Japan for the purpose of preparing to start a business.
In order to obtain a status of residence under this system, the following two steps are required: obtaining a certificate issued by the Kyoto Prefectural Government on the confirmation of the business plan, etc., to be carried out in Kyoto Prefecture, and applying for the status of residence with this certificate to the regional immigration bureau.

First of all, please send an email from the following “CONTACT US” button to apply. Please write your name, address, nationality, current profession, and outline of the new business you plan to do in Kyoto (up to about 200 words) in the main body. The title of the email should be “Pre-consultation”.
At that time, if you also submit the business plan presentation, you will be able to respond smoothly to the consultation, so please prepare as much as possible.
申請をお考えの方は、まずはCONTACT USからメールで連絡ください。本文には氏名、住所、国籍、現在の職業、京都府内で新たに行おうとする事業の概要(~400字程度まで)を記入してださい。その際、事業のプレゼン資料を併せて提出いただくと、相談対応をスムーズに行うことができますので、できるだけご準備頂くようお願いします。

Launch your startup
Kyoto Prefectural Government, Kyoto City, JETRO Kyoto, and other organizations will collaborate with the “Kyoto Overseas Business Center” to provide not only support for the startup visa system, but also (1) expert advice on the market for each field, such as manufacturing, life innovation, social business, etc., and (2) Support at the time of incorporation by administrative scriveners, judicial scriveners, etc., and (3) Free provision of co-working space and subsidized rent.
From August 2021, the following two start-up visa programs have been launched. The conditions and methods for each differ, so please use the system that is most appropriate for you.

Growth with
Special Advisors
Hiroyuki Suzuki
Executive Vice President, Representative Director, Advanced Telecommunications International (ATR) and President CEO, XBorder Innovations,Inc.(XBI)
Based in Keihanna Science City, he is working to build a global innovation ecosystem through activities such as acceleration (KGAP+) and business creation support (KOSAINN/KOSAINN+) based on an extensive and solid global collaboration network. He established XBI in 2021, and has started additional start-up support activities such as investment and overseas expansion support.
Joji Takamoto
Director, Kyoto, Plug and Play Japan
Joji joined Plug and Play to launch Kyoto office and currently leads the Health and New Materials accelerator programs. Prior to Plug and Play he has been responsible for startup investments and new business development for a high tech B2B solution provider. Joji obtained MBA from Columbia Business School and BA from Waseda University.
Marc Einstein
Chief Analyst, Telecommunications & Digital Services, ITR Corporation.
Marc Einstein is the Chief Analyst at ITR Corporation specializing in technologies such as 5G, IoT, AI & Digital Services. He has more than 20 years of experience as an ICT analyst and frequently helps some of the largest companies in Japan formulate their technology strategy & investment decisions. Marc splits his time between the Kanto and Kansai regions.
Narimasa Makino
Monozukuri Ventures CEO
He is the CEO of Monozukuri Ventures(MZV), a Venture Capital for hardware startups. MZV supports prototyping, mass production, and business development for hardware startups to connect with several Japanese companies. Also, he contributes to building the startup ecosystem in Kyoto through entrepreneurship education.
Sushi Suzuki
Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Sushi Suzuki is the founder of Kyoto Startup Summer School and an associate professor at the Kyoto Institute of Technology. His background is in design thinking and innovative product development and he runs the ME310/SUGAR global innovation program. Sushi is and active startup pitch coach and have helped over 100 startups around the world improve their presentation, on-stage presence, and delivery.
Yukiko Hashitera
CEO and Founder, Phoenixi Co., Ltd.
MBA and Master of Public Health. Upon graduation from college of pharmacy, Yukiko Hashitera entered the pharmaceutical industry and she engaged in the development of glaucoma and chronic idiopathic constipation medicine as a researcher. In 2008 she succeeded in the listing of R-Tech Ueno, Ltd. in Heracles Market (now JASDAQ) as CEO. She founded Phoenixi Co., Ltd., which supports motivated young talents from different industries to establish audacious innovative startups.

Support Desk
Kyoto chamber of commerce and Industry 京都商工会議所
Kyoto Industrial Support Organization 21 公益財団法人
京都産業21 -
Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO 公益財団法人
京都高度技術研究所 -
Kyoto Overseas Business Center 京都海外ビジネス
センター -
Kyoto Startup Ecosystem 京都スタートアップ・
協議会 -
Startup Genome
促進事業 -