Kyoto International Startup Center

Kyoto International Startup Center is a one-stop consultation desk that provides consistent support, from attracting foreigners who want to start a business in Kyoto Prefecture to obtaining a visa, starting a business, and establishing a stable business foundation.


Functions and Support Contents English-speaking concierges will assist foreign entrepreneurs in both business and daily life.
Business support: visa application, office opening, company establishment, corporate registration, bank account opening, etc.
Daily life support: securing housing, resident registration, medical insurance, child education, taxation, etc.

A support network consisting of international exchange groups, support groups for studying abroad, and economic organizations in Kyoto provides living information, such as housing, hospitals, and schools, conducts business matching, introduces communities you can join, and provides information on subsidies and investment.




Ichiro Minamikawa南川 一郎
Director, Kyoto Overseas Business Center京都海外ビジネスセンター ディレクター
BA in Economics (Northeastern University, US) As a serial entrepreneur, he founded five companies through joint ventures with Recruit and SBI and became their CEO, supported Walmart and other Western companies in entering the Japanese market, and served as an advisor to eight FinTech companies in Japan and overseas. He is currently a country manager for a UK payment service company and a director of Kyoto Overseas Business Center, etc. 米国 Northeastern University 卒業 (B.A. in Economics) 。連続起業家として、リクルートやSBIとのJVなどで5社創業しCEO就任、ウォルマートなど欧米企業の日本進出支援、国内外のフィンテック系企業8社のアドバイザー歴任。現在は英国決済サービス企業のカントリーマネジャー、京都海外ビジネスセンターのディレクターなど。
Kanako Akagi赤城 賀奈子
CEO, K-MBA9 Co., Ltd.
Director, Kyoto Overseas Business Center
Advisor, BizWorld Japan
Representative, Kyoto University International Entrepreneurship Club
MBA (Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University)
株式会社K-MBA9 CEO
京都海外ビジネスセンター ディレクター
アルマ・クリエイション株式会社 顧問
BizWorld Japan アドバイザー
京大起業部インターナショナル 代表
Living in Kyoto. She engages in multiple businesses, such as a real estate rental business, online community management, and digital business consulting. She has authored such books as “Marriage Premium - How to lead a married life that promises success at work - (King Bear Publishing)” and “A way of life that prioritizes family over work (Softbank Creative).” She is currently researching entrepreneurship education programs in Silicon Valley with professors and associate professors at Kyoto University and University of Hyogo. She has lectured at Google@Woman, delivered many presentations, including those at Kyoto University and the University of Illinois, conducted a lot of media interviews, including those with the Nikkei, Mainichi, and Kyoto Shimbun, and appeared on NHK World. She actively promotes diversity, support for female entrepreneurs, and career education. 京都在住。不動産賃貸業、オンラインコミュニティ運営、デジタルビジネスのコンサルティングなど複数の事業を行う。著書に「マリッジプレミアム~仕事の成功を約束する結婚生活の送り方~(キングベアー出版)」「家族>仕事で生きる。(ソフトバンククリエイティブ)」がある。シリコンバレーの起業家教育プログラムを京都大学、兵庫県立大学の教授、準教授らと研究中。Google@Womanで講演。京大、米イリノイ大学など登壇多数。日経、毎日、京都新聞など取材多数。NHKワールド出演。ダイバーシティ、女性起業家のサポート、キャリア教育などを積極的に行う。
Hila Yamada山田 埜
Coordinator, NPO Glocal Human Resources Development Center 特定非営利活動法人グローカル人材開発センター コーディネーター
Born in Kyoto City. Graduated from the Kyoto Saga Art College Japanese painting course. After working as an assistant to the director of an art complex in the city, she joined the Glocal Center. She mainly engages in the operation of QUESTION/Students Lab, climate change/poverty problem solving projects with Taiwan and Thailand, organization development workshops for companies, the operation of AL for high school students, the operation of the foreign entrepreneur community (KIEC), PR material design, and training for internships. As a personal activity, she is also a moderator as a management member of Pechakucha Night Kyoto. 京都市生まれ。嵯峨美術大学短期大学部日本画コース卒業。市内のアート複合施設ディレクターアシスタントを務めた後、グローカルセンターに入職。主にQUESTION/Studnets Labの運営、台湾及びタイとの気候変動・貧困問題解決プロジェクト、企業向けの組織開発ワークショップ、高校生向けAL運営、外国人起業家コミュニティー(KIEC)運営、広報物デザイン、インターン育成などを担当。また個人活動としてPechakucha Night Kyotoの運営メンバーとしてモデレーターを務めている。
Ka Nam Cheung張 迦南
Representative Director, Sheen Choice Limited Sheen Choice Limited 代表取締役
Planning commercial and cultural events, focusing on projects with various governments, including the People's Republic of China and European countries. He has worked as a coordinator and supervisor for foundations such as Dalí, Miró and Picasso. He is the owner of "Kyoto House", a Kyoto crafts shop in Shanghai, and "Kyoto Express" in Hong Kong. 中華人民共和国やヨーロッパ諸国など、様々な政府とのプロジェクトを中心に、商業・文化イベントを企画。ダリ、ミロ、ピカソ等財団のコーディネーターやスーパーバイザーとして活躍。上海の京都工芸品店「京都ハウス」や、香港の「京都エクスプレス」のオーナーを務める。

Support Desk

Kyoto International Startup Center
Address KYOTO KEIZAI CENTER 3rd floor
(JETRO Kyoto),
78 Shijyo-dori
Kyoto 600-8565, Japan
Tel 075-341-1021
(Weekdays 9 am-5 pm)
Startup Capital Kyoto Linked in facebook

Support Network
